Ortho Relapse
Orthodontics involves more than just how the teeth look.
Your tongue plays a huge role in how your jaw is shaped which results in positioning of teeth.
The tongue should be rested at the roof of your mouth to guide as a natural expander for your upper jaw.
When we mouth breath, tongue thrust or even a tongue tie it forces our tongue to the floor of our mouth, so that support is not there.
The tongue is rested on the teeth its constant pressure pushing while swallowing, talking pushing those teeth forward.
Why MYO is important
Improper tongue position and swallowing habits can make it hard for orthodontists to close spaces and can increase relapse after braces are off because our tongue will continue to do more damage.
Myofunctional therapy is the best treatment to eliminate tongue thrust permanently without appliances. With exercises we will have the oral and facial muscles gain control over your tongue.
Therapy can be done before or during orthodontic treatment.